Quizzes & Puzzles2 mins ago
Oh Dear, Oh Deary Deary Me
60 Answers
COB & Co, the gift that just keeps giving:
https:/ /www.da ilymail .co.uk/ news/ar ticle-7 756071/ UK-stat istics- watchdo g-blast s-Jerem y-Corby n-viole nt-crim e-claim s.html
https:/ /www.da ilymail .co.uk/ news/ar ticle-7 755179/ Jeremy- Corbyn- acciden tally-r eveals- DOESNT- watch-Q ueens-S peech.h tml
https:/ /www.da ilymail .co.uk/ news/ar ticle-7 755617/ Labour- bible-N ew-Stat esman-l abels-J eremy-C orbyn-u nfit-pr ime-min ister.h tml
https:/ /www.da ilymail .co.uk/ news/ar ticle-7 755539/ John-Mc Donnell -tells- militan t-RMT-c hiefs-g overnme nt-us.h tml
And this is just today. Some of these things are either total incompetance or labour dont want to win.
I really hope the labour party sorts itself out, although mildy amusing it really is not good for the Country.
And where is Abacus (apart from bailing her son out of jail )
And this is just today. Some of these things are either total incompetance or labour dont want to win.
I really hope the labour party sorts itself out, although mildy amusing it really is not good for the Country.
And where is Abacus (apart from bailing her son out of jail )
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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.Mr Corbyn has vowed to hand over Chequers to the homeless if he becomes prime minister.
https:/ /www.in depende nt.co.u k/news/ uk/poli tics/je remy-co rbyn-ch equers- labour- general -electi on-itv- intervi ew-quee ns-spee ch-a923 2506.ht ml
can he do that - Chequers is governed by Act of Parliament
https:/ /www.le gislati on.gov. uk/ukpg a/Geo5/ 7-8/55/ content s
would this have to be repealed, or can the PM do as he wishes with Chequers?
can he do that - Chequers is governed by Act of Parliament
would this have to be repealed, or can the PM do as he wishes with Chequers?
The Daily Mail is currently acting as an election propaganda machine for the Conservative party. As much as I dislike Corbyn, I don't need to read any of those links to know that they're just anti-Corbyn\Labour stories.
I might as well post a load of links to the Morning Star and suggest it's proof of how evil Boris Johnson is.
I might as well post a load of links to the Morning Star and suggest it's proof of how evil Boris Johnson is.
The issue is actually finding a news outlet that is completely unbiased Ludwig. They've all got agendas they support.
It does make me chuckle that the same people who cry and stomp their feet about the BBC's so-called left wing bias are the same who are most likely to link stories from the Mail or Telegraph.
It does make me chuckle that the same people who cry and stomp their feet about the BBC's so-called left wing bias are the same who are most likely to link stories from the Mail or Telegraph.
// The issue is actually finding a news outlet that is completely unbiased Ludwig. They've all got agendas they support. //
Which is exactly my point. There's no such thing as an unbiased source of information. Everything is ultimately someone's subjective take on something even if they're doing their best to be neutral.
This is why I said you need to look at different sources. Anyone that takes anything they see from a single source at face value is just foolish.
Which is exactly my point. There's no such thing as an unbiased source of information. Everything is ultimately someone's subjective take on something even if they're doing their best to be neutral.
This is why I said you need to look at different sources. Anyone that takes anything they see from a single source at face value is just foolish.
the Morning Star is not the Daily Star. In fact, when the former sued the latter for pinching its name, the judge ruled that "even a moron in a hurry" couldn't confuse them. But what do you know.
Meanwhile, it seems Boris thinks the children of working mothers are more likely to mug you. Or perhaps he doesn't, since he just says the first thing that comes into his head. Fortunately, that hasn't made it into ymb's list of shame; I wonder why.
Meanwhile, it seems Boris thinks the children of working mothers are more likely to mug you. Or perhaps he doesn't, since he just says the first thing that comes into his head. Fortunately, that hasn't made it into ymb's list of shame; I wonder why.
The Mail calls out Corbyn for saying violent crime has doubled under the Tories. Here are the facts:
// Specifically, the claim is based on a rise in “violence against the person” offences. Police recorded about 630,000 such crimes in 2013-14, compared to nearly 1.7 million in 2018-19.
Most of the increase in “violence against the person” offences in the last five years has come from the “violence without injury” and “stalking and harassment” subcategories, which have increased by 173 per cent and 609 per cent respectively over the period. //
// Specifically, the claim is based on a rise in “violence against the person” offences. Police recorded about 630,000 such crimes in 2013-14, compared to nearly 1.7 million in 2018-19.
Most of the increase in “violence against the person” offences in the last five years has come from the “violence without injury” and “stalking and harassment” subcategories, which have increased by 173 per cent and 609 per cent respectively over the period. //