I honestly believe that the perceived arrogance that Shilpa appears to display is the result of cultural differences. I think Asian people have a very different way of expressing themselves, b oth verbally, and through their body language, and this jars with Western sensibilities, because it is perceived as a snooty look and way of speaking, when that is cedrtainly not the intention.
recall seeing a documentary about this very same subject, a piece of film was shown, and then discussed afterwards.
An Asian father was discussing his daughter's progress with her Head Teacher, and he said to her "No no, my daughter will not bei going into this class next year, it will not happen!" Provocative or what? Then the explanation was given - what he was saying, although obviousdly not conveying in a way which was understood was "I am very worried about my child, I do no want her to go into this class, can you help me, can we talk about this?"
See what I mean? Sometimes people's meaning is lost in interperetation - and I believe this is the root of the CBB problems - for both sides.
Hopefully everyone will climb over it, and understand each other a little better as time goes on.