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Everhelpful | 18:44 Mon 28th Mar 2011 | Film, Media & TV
17 Answers
Just a thought,my Wife is wondering who is running the Bookies?It's certainly not Peter or Leanne.


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19:10 Mon 28th Mar 2011
And my favourite question...Where is Eccles????
in the back yard
I'd like to know how the Liz and Jim can take over the bookies if Steve is the owner?
Poor Eccles, his 15 minutes of fame are well and truly over haha
Never even gets brought for walks
I meant the Rovers !
Soaps.i think you mean the you say steve is the owner and Liz has the license so i don't think they can legally get rid of her.But hey it's a soap.
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Forgot about Deidre!!
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Thanks everybody.
Yes, I've seen Eccles now & then Ken takes him for walkies.

It was explained by the 'Newton & Ridley' man to Steve & Becci that it is against the law to operate a pub without the licencee being on the premises. They said she could move back in but NOT serve behind the counter.
She's moved back in but is not a happy bunny. (Liz & Jim do not run the Bookies Doh!)

but Dreary is also working at the doctors as a receptionist.
It's a fact of soapland - if there is any static business that forms a part of the set, then everyone will eventually have a turn working there - it never fails.
I thought Deirdre worked for the council
no she got teh push from there ages ago
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Long hours at the Bookies for her then,my Bookies is open 10am-9.30pm.
Perhaps Eccles is running the bookies!!
Wonder who looks after the kids when the parents and grandparents are all in the pub?
Perhaps that's eccles as well:-)

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