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the hotel

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gina32 | 19:51 Mon 30th May 2011 | Film, Media & TV
5 Answers
i had a failed recording last night for the hotel and come dine, does anyone know if it repeated please and if so when, thanks


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Sign up (free) to UKNova and you'll be able (legally) to record any missed programmes.
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how can i record a missed programme?
You can watch on catch up.
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yes i know ican but just wanted to see if they were on the tele, ive looked at uknova but its just the same as watching it on the pc but thanks anyway
Ive checked this website http://www.channel4.c...ings/daily/2011/06/05 and no mention of it being repeated. You will get it on catch-up or on 4OD

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