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Cindy Beale and Les battersby?

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dotty. | 19:38 Wed 22nd Jun 2011 | ChatterBank
22 Answers
They;re having us on surely?


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though I can see them scriptwriters trying to get Peter Barlow in bed with his mother-in-law
Explain, please.
Wasn't the actor who plays Battersby threw out for drinking too much?
More like mouthing off too much about the other cast.
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the new pub manager (cindy) is leanne's mum.
Be sure you sins will find you out. :-(
corrie is getting stupid now with the storylines
he was sacked wasn't he for liking the drink a bit too much
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does Leanne know, this soap gets more daft by the minute
They are not the same age..............Michelle Collins was born in 1961 and Jane Danson in 1978 so the mother/daughter scenario is reasonable.
I haven't watched Corrie since the days of Ena Sharples...and that was only cos my mum used to have it on.
It looks like I havent missed much
* pre-work *

Gone a bit downhill since the demise of Blanche. Mary & Norris still provide entertainment though. The thing that irks me about Michelle Collins' character is her awful awful northern accent. It's a joke. Haven't heard one worse since Alex Kingston in that spooky ghost drama at the beginning of the year.
Cindy is Leanne's mother? I thought Leanne and her sister already had a mother - or was Janice a second wife?
my eldest son had a landscape gardening business and Cindy Beale was one of his clients, he said you could not meet a nicer person and if she wasnt working and at home when he was working she always insisted they came in for cup of tea.
When did this get shown? (I am always a day behind but cannot find it on the schedule)
Re Sallabanana's answer. I really liked John Michie in Taggart but he is AWFUL in this part and his accent is worse than Michelle Collins'. I think Corrie goes more downhill every episode
boxtops - yes Janice and Les had a daughter each -Janice is the mother of the other daughter whose name escapes me and Les is Leanne's dad.

dotty - agree it's unlikely scenario!
I can't wait for East Street when Ian Beale sees Cindy in the Rovers, bring it on!!!

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