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Edge Walk CN Tower Toronto

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237SJ | 18:54 Fri 01st Jul 2011 | ChatterBank
22 Answers
Yesterday I went up the CN Tower in Toronto and walked over the glass floor. You don`t realise how flippin high it is until you go up it. They are introducing a new attraction called the Edge Walk. You can put a harness on and walk around the outside ledge (as if you are about to commit suicide). Would you? Even if someone paid you to do it? Sorry I can`t do a clicky. I`m hopeless like that.


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No way, I don't do heights
I've been up it a couple of times, and I have to turn my back to the glass doors of the elevator!
I've walked on that glass floor and quite frankly, I could have peed myself.
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Damn right I would : )
Don't mind heights at all .. although that transmitter mast those guys climbed recently (discussed here) .. too much for me.
Oh, yes please!

The Mendlesham transmitter mast (which was the highest TV mast in Europe when it was put up0 is just up the road from me:
Ever since I was a child, I've had an ambition to climb it!

Here's your link, 237SJ:
I don't mind heights but when I went up I was far more reluctant that I'd thought I'd be to stand on the floor. Having seen all the kids lying on it as it having photos, I made myself though and was fine once I got on.

The daft thing is, someone told me that the whole floor is like that just most of it is covered so you can't see. Not sure if that's right?

I would go out in a harness, if you are secured and can't fall then it's the kind of mad thing I would do. Strangely, I'd find that easier than the see through floor.

I met a uni friend there, the first time I'd seen her in about 10 years! We went for dinner in the revolving restaurant and got a window seat and ate as the sun set, such a brilliant memory. Was intrigued by the futuristic security scanners too!
That's the kiddy.
Surprised none of our Phantoms from Wattisham ever hit it.
(Maybe not up at the time tho)
The mast was erected in 1959, which gave Wattisham's Phantom FGR2's quite a while to bump into it. (When the Phantom's were flying, there were only a few lights on the mast. Now that the Army, RAF and Police choppers are at Wattisham, the mast is lit up like Blackpool illuminations!)
I bet.
I was on 56Sqn 1977-1982-ish.
This one is very near me ..

A Jaguar a/c on a low level NAVEX managed to hit the top (small tower is new)
years back .. the engine of the Jag (a/c recovered ok to Bedford) came to me .. and was full of chunks of copper!
Engine ingested chunks of a microwave tx on the top.
Someone should tell them to follow Mendlesham's example, Al ;-)
I've been up the CN Tower and that glass floor..Very scary :-S
It's funny watching peoples reactions when they step out the lift and see it!

I wouldn't do that edge walk though...Far too scary.
you could see the dodgy scaffold i have been working on today, the Germans don't seem to do health and safety
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It`s right what`s said about the kids. They have no fear and were lying face down on the glass floor. One guy was jumping up and down on it which I wasn`t too keen on though. I wouldn`t be worried about the Edge Walk in itself. The trouble is I`m not sure I could get over the thought that the harness could break. The worry about that would be what stop`s me doing it.
It's certainly scary, especially when one of your mates trips you up...
omg i went cold just looking at that pic eeek i wouldnt do that ever
Not in a million years.

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