The one positive that came from the Jewish religion was their strong family commitment!! I absoltely loved the reflections of the old guy whose family had died in the concentration camps .. what a very lovely wise man!
wasn't he just, when he reflected about the horrors of his native Poland under German occupancy and how he thanked God now for the life he has, he was so overcome at his grandsons Bar Mitzvah
barb I think it would be something to do with destruction?
like the breaking of the plates was because of the breaking down of the holy temple in Jerusalem
I recorded this, but haven't watched it yet. I remember seeing a similar programme a couple of years ago and it said that during one of their religious festivals, they have to change all their kitchen appliances. They are not allowed to use those that they use all year round. It's a very strict religion. I live near where this was filmed and it is a very interesting area just to wander round.