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tonight's Prom

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chirpychirpy | 23:16 Sat 03rd Sep 2011 | Film, Media & TV
3 Answers
what made the female singers fall about laughing midway through There's No Business Like Showbusiness?

Does anyone else find Katie Derham really grating as the host? I find her as patronising as the unbearable Fiona Bruce


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I thought it was just a relief reaction from the lead singer, that she had got through the strong sound originally perpetuated by Ethel Merman. She did a grand job of it too.
It was the best show on telly last night really enjoyable, makes X Factor pale into insignifiicance. At least Katie was just introducing it and I found her pleasant enough.
Yes I agree excellent Television.

Must also agree regarding your criticisms of Katie Derham, I could not hear a word of what she was saying.

I would have thought the female singer could have changed out of trousers though.

Also thought that the main Male singer was a spitting image of that great 50s singer Frankie Laine.

Sorry for not putting names to the two singers, but thanks to not being able to hear Katie Derham's introductions I missed them.

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