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X Factor....Having a laugh!

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ELVIS68 | 20:35 Sun 02nd Oct 2011 | Film, Media & TV
20 Answers
How the hell can Johnny and Goldie get through to the live finals?


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louie likes the whole car crash tv thing, its not about talent ,its about ratings! :)
Goldie has pulled out...
ironically he has replaced goldie with a person who can sing...who didnt make it through originally..
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Even so, it`s still a joke, will Johnny last the distance?
Biggest joke is louis
oh i totally agree, elvis
well wagner lasted a while..
Total waste of TV space, I don;t know why you are still watching...
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Wagner looked healthy!
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boxtops, I watch it because I like watching people sing
How the hell did Janet get through instead of Jade?! Absolute joke!
Fair enough elvis, each to their own :-)
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Janet sounds like a five year old singing
It's about "entertainment"
Music history and television in general are littered with the bones of talentless performers.
Jedward for example.
I am annoyed with myself for getting so into it this year. Even though it's clearly just a case of who will get talked about most, I still found myself angry at Louis choices.

And it is clearly not about true talent at all. The fact that some of them are able to play instruments but not allowed to use them makes it a farce.
I wish Simon would get rid of Louis - he's always been a waste of space!
And why the chuff is Sineta anything to do with it - other than the fact she was once bumping uglies with Cowl?
The whole show could have been condensed into 10 minutes, they put them through far too much stress. I just tuned in again at the end to see who had got through.
'bumping uglies with Cowl' explanation please (lol)
Saw half of the results show. Why oh why are all those young girls plastered with the most ridiculously thick makeup and dressed up to look like trollops!!

Showing my age here perhaps, but they looked dreadful, apart from the young Irish girl. I didn't hear any of them sing. Was sitting waiting for Downton Abbey. The show has got simple ridiculous- and that young bloke with all the hair and the skinny legs just can't sing.

Bring back Opportunity Knocks!!! ;o)

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X Factor....Having a laugh!

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