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Celebrity get me out of here

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Caran | 01:12 Tue 08th Nov 2011 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
OK Jungle starts next weekend, who do you think is in it this time. Any ideas folks?


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Jimmy Saville.... apparently :P
Next weekend?! I've not heard anything about it yet :-/

Flip :O Lol!
Jewdaed and your woman Imogene.
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Who is Imogene
Ah, that was bad. Sorry.

Er.. I haven't heard anything either (like I would?) but I reckon Katona will probably be in there somewhere...
I would watch it if Jedward were in it, just to watch them with the creepy crawlies...............
Carandrog, Imogam is the girl that had a affair with Ryan Giggs,
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But they are creepy crawlies!
ive heard a rumour that louis spence might be on it
Aw bless..their mam loves them.
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These are all rubbish! They need to get someone like... er... Bieber(?) in there.
Flip. KK was there years ago and won it. I don't think she'll be going in again!
Yes hollie I heard that as well...........
Oh really? I don't watch it, Dolt. Too busy fake tanning and washing my hair...
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Why not Monica Lewenski and Divine whatnot and any other celebrity suckerupper
I just found the line up.......... Sinitta, Mark Wright, Dougie from McFly, Jedward, Alex Reid, Freddie Starr, Crissy Rock, Wagner, Paul Gascoine and Imogen Thomas.
I think Monica was more of a 'blow' than a 'suck'...........
Urgh. What a bunch of misfits!
Craft/ Flip. what do you expect?

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Celebrity get me out of here

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