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Tv show from early 1990s?

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carichi | 15:59 Thu 28th Apr 2005 | Film, Media & TV
5 Answers

I can only remember that there were people living underground, in london?, and would come up to the surface to help this particular girl. there was a man who looked like a lion, and a black guy in a leather coat called 'the duke' or 'count' or something... all quite dark, and might have been called something like otherworld or underworld or something... or did I just dream it?



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The programme your thinking of is called 'Beauty and the Beast', 1987-1990 starring Linda Hamilton as 'Catherine', Ron Perlman as 'Vincent' (the lion looking bloke) No, you didn't dream it !  ;o)


You beat me to it pjm but here's a web site carichi!

Your description also brings to mind a series called "Neverwhere" - BBC 1996. Described as follows;

"When Richard Mayhew, a young businessman working in London, stumbles upon a bleeding girl in the street he finds himself swiftly drawn into a bizarre world beneath the streets of London, that is inhabited by the the people who have 'fallen through the cracks.' Among the numerous bizarre characters he meets are the Angel Islington, the Black Friars, the Marquis de Carabas, and the sinister Mr Croup and Mr Valdemar who've been employed to catch Door, the girl who Richard found lying in the street."

Any help?

Neveerwhere was really good.  I wish they'd repeat it.  The other one I would like to see again is "Tutti Frutti"
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Brilliant! Markwh, you're a genius.

Neverwhere is exactly what I meant - I think a friend confused me with the lion thing...

let's hope for repeats...

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Tv show from early 1990s?

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