I have several cheapish digital cameras but the all seem to suffer from the same problem, they do not seem to take a picture the instant that you press the shutter button, I have been told that this is "Digital Delay" which seems to affect most cameras and camera phones, as I do not have a steady hand most of my pictures seem to turn out very blurred as I don't want to have to carry a tripod around with me all of the time can anybody recommend a reasonably priced digital camera that does not suffer with this delay problem ?
I don`t think that there is such a camera. The pause between when you press the `take` button pauses to adjust the focus of the shot you are taking and should produce blur free photo`s. Have you tried leaning against a wall or some firm structure and press the shutter slowly and not jab at it? I often like to lie on my front and make a tripod with my elbows to get a worms eye view of my subject, but not of females with short skirts of course.
this used to be a big problem with early digital cameras. It isn't any more, but as gen2 says, most cameras do take a moment to focus, and that's probably the issue here.