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Corrie story line ?

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silka | 11:58 Fri 30th Dec 2011 | Film, Media & TV
41 Answers
The girls wedding I think was a stupid story line any body else agree ?


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Yes I agree. I find it unbelievable actually and no parent in their right mind would have given consent to two people of this age, who act like a couple of kids, getting married. And the two identical wedding dresses were totally daft.
12:02 Fri 30th Dec 2011
Yes I agree. I find it unbelievable actually and no parent in their right mind would have given consent to two people of this age, who act like a couple of kids, getting married. And the two identical wedding dresses were totally daft.
Absolutely. They should pull the plug on this now embarrassing show.
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As if all the people would go to the expense, so unbelievable
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I felt embarrassed for them TBH
Yes, it is embarrassing - I get quite uncomfortable watching it. And I don't believe that all the neighbours would get drawn into it - most people would be laughing about it. Kids playing 'Happy Families' and adults taking it seriously - how very stupid.
stupid, why?

because they're lesbians? because they're young?
No, Sara, not because they are Lesbians. Because they are a couple of young silly kids - not even mature for their age. As I said. I have no problem with lesbian marriages. I would feel this was just as daft if they were hetrosexual. The relationship between Chesney and Katie is far more believable and they are the same age - they are far more adult in their behaviour.
but in the real world, immature couples get married and have kids all the time..
Probably. However, if any parent gave consent to a child like Sophie to get married then they would be ridiculous in my opinion.

And, OK, yes I do find it embarrassingly awful when two brides turn up in the same dress to get married - it's so childish it's ridiculous.
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I agree with every thing LL has said, put it better than I did
Consent to get rid of them more like : )
That ruddy voice of Kevin's daughter would do my head in.
In the real world parents would consent if they knew their young daughter was going to run away and marry, possibly not returning to the family ever again.
And don't forget Sal and Kevin have come in to money, she's a snob and would want things done OTT.

Anybody who works with teenagers knows the basis of this story line is realistic.
Really stupid storyline, very immature girls, dreadful hysterical shrieking episode tonight, many people I'm sure, like me, hit the mute button! Come on Coronation Street, you can do better than this tosh, you are becoming a laughing stock, and I've been watching for over 40 years!
It might have worked if they had two people who could act, these two are way out of their depth, some of the worst acting I've seen for many a year.
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I see you all mostly agree with me and Ann 86 I have been watching for many years and it is becoming a joke.
Trouble is they put these soaps on too many nights now and they appear to be running out of good story lines, buck up Corrie writers.
I agree with lottie, no child of 17 should get married, in a lifelong commitment, lesbian or not, ridiculous!
Kevin's ex is about to start on a one-two with Carla's ex.
Who would start seeing a guy who is just about to go on trial for rape .. unless she wants some free thongs?

Beggars belief!
Last night's Corrie was the worst I've seen in ages.
What was all that about in the street as Sophie set off for the church?
Loads of strangers all with cameras taking pictures, how ridiculous.
All that will they won't they just really got on my nerves.
Not good television viewing.
'enders - best soap on tv by a country mile
It might have worked if they had two people who could act

rest of the cast cant act so why pick on these 2?

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