Thanks Philtaz.
I can understand that there is interest in these events, but on a personal level, i find it too distressing to see real-life destruction like this.
On a cruise from New York to Englnas in the summer, the dinner companions of my wife and i were a couple who liver literally down the road from the Twin Towers. On 911, the man had been to vote in a school a matter of yards from the towers, and saw everything, inlcuding the people jumping. As he described the events, he began to weep very discreetly, dabbing his eyes as he spoke. He confirmed that the trauma of that day had left him with physical disability, meaning he walks with a stick, and his doctors have confirmed that the injury is psychosomatic, not physical, a result of what he has seen. This is a man who had a career training Navy SEALS, so he was certainly no-one's softie, but his reaction to that day all these years on was immensely moving, and reminded me again why I never want to view that filmed footage ever again.