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frameshift | 09:46 Sat 04th Feb 2012 | Crosswords
6 Answers
Last few. 28a Beginning of the end of parades of Fords (4, 2, 3)
S - N - D - N - T
22a Titanic survivors, but later mostly ruined. (8) C - L - S - A -
Looks like COLOSSAL, but can't see the word play.
16a A stern doctor we're told (4) - L - P
Thanks a lot.


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Lawrence Sterne"s...Dr.Slop
28a is Some Done It (ford Madox Ford) - see earlier AB exchanges abt colossal, which isn't right, 16a is SLOP
some do not
oops it is Some Do Not
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Belated thanks to all.

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