is the one where the bloke with the banjo sings to the girl on the platform - every time I hear it I want to scream. Stupid thing is its an advert for dating site - yet he picks her up on a station platform!
Yup, I agree and would add any advert that employs a guy with a northern English accent reading a schoolkid penned ode to cheese or whatever.
Sky+ is a wonderful thing. :)
The ad driving me nuts at the moment is that one where the guy goes "you should be my wife", dislike his voice, dislike the costumes, dislike the words, dislike the jingle - the whole thing drives me bonkers!
I always thought the girl on the platform does remarkably well to leave her bench, cross the bridge over the railway lines, then sit down on another bench a few yards from Banjo Man - all in the time it takes for a train to whizz through the station!
AND, the touchy feely massed choir of drones from the world of banking belting out I'll Be There as if they give a monkeys about the plebs who have no option but to use their revolting state supported services.