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Room 101.....

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d9f1c7 | 11:42 Sat 25th Feb 2012 | Film, Media & TV
51 Answers
What would you put in?
I have a lot but I'd start with bleeding caravans!


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Lol, I think they're cute.
I know, I'm aware my choice wouldn't be a popular one.. I also don't like baby seals very much :-/

Oh... ET should also go in. Ugly, creepy little blighter.
Agree with you on ET.
You're the only person who ever has! :c)
bamby is no oil painting either in to room 101
Yeah, I don't like Bambie either.
Simon Cowell
I've never seen Bambi.
China - I always find the anthropomorphication (love that word!) of baby seals to be utterly insincere. People weep buckets because these animals are hunted because they are seen as fluffy and defenceless and cuddly because they have soft fur and big eyes. The reality is that they are quite savage animals, and would bite off the fingers if anyone tried to cuddle them!

I wonder, would there be such outcry if they looked like preying mantises?

On the basis of the disgustingly routine cruelty dished out to insects on 'I'm A Celebrity ...' I would suggest not.
oh deer me never seen bambi you aint missing much .that horse that used to kick, horrible creature muflin or somat like that
Its probably because they are still baby animals that haven't had a chance to live yet Andy. Having said that I do like a nice Lamb shank now and again :o)
tiggerblue - doubt it, I think it's fairly and squarely the "Aaaahhhhh ..." reaction that film of them receives - regardless of how undeserving that may be.
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people who say "can I get" when the mean "may I have"! Drives me bonkers. Oh and people who write "the below" in emails! aaarrrggghhh!
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Supermarket stock cages blocking aisles
(Saint) David Beckham-Mr Publicity
Child behaviourists and parents who cannot/will not trust their instinct and have to ask for advice on internet forums
Reality TV
Sticky labels on goods that will not come off without spoiling what you have bought
Dogs off leads
Alan Carr
I would put all the idiots that go on Jeremy Kyle (i.e chavs!) in room 101. The world could do without them!
traffic wardens, car clampers,the million takeaway leaflets I get a year through my letter box,
SAB, including Legend and Knobby..
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People who say "I'm bored 'OF' it" - the expression is "bored 'WITH' it" !!
Really grates on my ears!

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