strange lettering? in The AnswerBank: Film, Media & TV
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strange lettering?

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mr. piper | 10:28 Wed 18th May 2005 | Film, Media & TV
5 Answers
Can anyone tell me why on dvd & vhs cases, there is a section naming the contributors to the production that is written in a strange elongated, tightly crammed together font that is sometimes easier to read by tilting the case? I have seen this curious lettering on film posters and flyers also.
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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It is a security feature. Counterfeit goods will not have this kind of lettering as it is difficult to make and print and costs more.
mr. piper, I asked this question a while ago but just in relation to the film posters - I never did get a satisfactory answer. Why the strange elongated font?

It may just be that it has become a common way of listing film actors, producers etc. in a way that is recognisable, like a logo. Your eye is drawn to that part of the poster or DVD box to find the information you seek on who is in the film, who directed it etc..

I agree though, they could have chosen a typeface that is easier to read.

The curious thing about posters and flyers is that sertain people depending where they are in realtion to the poster will not be able to read the writing. So if you are walking directly below the poster you cannot read what is written on it. This type of lettering obviates that problem. so as you walk underneath the poster you can read it and if it is across the road you can still read it. The message is thus widely read. Flyers are usually on the littered on the ground. again the same principle applies. Even if you are meters away from the flyer on the ground you will be able to read the elongated font and as you come closer to it maybe the flyer could become interesting and you pick it up.
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what a feintly plausible and off the peg answer D.T.

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strange lettering?

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