I feel so sorry for little Sarah on Emmerdale, its a horrible thing she is going through.
But why are the talking about the insertion of her Hickman line as an opertation & part of her treatment? Its not, its an intravenous catheter so they dont have to keep putting needles or canulars in her for various treatment.
Adults dont even go 'to theatre' to have this done, I appreciate as a child she will be scared so she may need some sort anisthetic to calm her but an operation it is not.
in my experience, hickman lines are either inserted on the ward or in theatre. Having seen them inserted, i would definately call it an operation - it goes into the chest directly into the main blood vessel and the tip sits very near the heart. I don't watch emmerdale, so dont know how old sarah is, but i would think a child would probably be knocked out for it