I use Firefox as my default Browser and have a number of 'Add-ons'. Accordingly, my question is ..."Do you have any 'Add-ons' which you would recommend to ABers."?.
With a view to comments being forthcoming, I have listed the 'add-ons' which I find most useful.:-
1) W.O.T. (Web of Trust) which gives 'traffic light' circles alongside all Internet sites and implies.......Green; safe.....Amber; ok....Red....proceed at your own risk....(AB gets a Green.)
2) Flag Fox....Interesting and does give an indication of the country from which one's computer is being served by any given site. However it can be mis-leading because it 'flags' AB as being in the USA whereas our honourable site has its Server in the USA and AB is actually UK owned and has its HQ at........ Sorry I have to stop there because I did once disclose the address and I think for Health & Safety reasons it was very quickly removed.!!
3) Adblock Plus....Enables one to block all adverts which appear on Internet sites. I now use it on AB but would refrain from doing so if there were Not any flashing or pulsating adverts which could be a health hazard.