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How were you proposed to?

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MissCommando | 21:33 Sat 09th Jun 2012 | ChatterBank
24 Answers
I don't actually remember the date my husband proposed to me. It was that special, haha! I was 1 or 2 months pregnant (either in June or July) 2006, it was a Saturday night and I was feeling as sick as a dog. He drove up to this nice spot but I refused to get out of the car as I was scared there were foxes around (or wolves as I called them). So he proposed in the car and I just laughed and asked if he was being serious.
To this day, I am gutted that he never got down on one knee and I wished he'd waited until he could.
Do you remember the date your partner proposed and would you change anything about it?


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I was living the hippie lifestyle with my man, and we decided we did not need marriage, and then after 18 months we were sitting on the edge of a fountain waiting for the bus, and we just said "why don't we?" so we did!
The day after Boxing Day, 1991, Cambrian Arms, South Wales. Down on one knee, went home to ask my dad's permission and I told my mother in the kitchen - she cried tears of sadness!
I'll have to think about this one..................
Have now been married for 37 yrs and some of them happily!!!
14th September 1986, I was asked if I wanted to get engaged for my birthday (he's never been that clever at buying gifts) this was sitting on top of what is now called Princes Mall in Princes Street Edinburgh, we've been married 25 years last April, though I don't ever recall him, asking me to marry him!
I've been married twice and neither time was I actually proposed to. I'm hoping for third time lucky.
I wasn't proposed to really, my husband had just won a major bowls tournament, at the time the winners were given prizes not money, he won a companion set. For the unintiated it was a small polished barrel with brass hoops around it inside was a brush, small shovel, a poker and a pair of brass tongs to pick the coal up with. It looked nice, I thought it was to give to his (sainted) mother, but he said "this will go in our bottom drawer" I was 16/17 years old and gobsmacked. "Do you mean that" I said. "Oh Aye" he said. Typical blo**dy Yorkshireman.
Out for birthday lunch - with an old man lying on the floor at the next table, being given oxygen by a paramedic. Not the most romantic but certainly memorable.
Never actually had a proposal. My husband to be was starting his National Service and we just set a date for one of his leaves. We have been married 52 years come Monday.
Oh, and the licence only cost three and ninepence as he was in the forces. I got him on the cheap.

typical Aberdonian
We were driving back from Italy through Monaco when he said I think you are going to be my third mistake.
I was working part-time in a pub, he walked up to me and said " Will you marry me" I replied I'm already married. Not for much longer he said. True, I left my OH got divorced and married Mic. Come September we have been married for 33 years.
I'd only known Mr S. for six weeks .It went something like ..."shall we get married "and I probably said something like " We might as well "
That was nearly forty years ago !
I can't remember him ever asking me. We always assumed we would get married right from the start.
I know that this is not the right answer because I was the one doing the proposing. I have asked her four times in various romantic situations (in her kitchen (twice), on her sofa and in a cheap restaurant over plaice and chips). Her answer has always been the same: either "My husband wouldn't like it" (twice - two different husbands) or "What about your wife?" (She's a real romantic - just like me!)
I'll wait for as long as it takes.
Over dinner on the first day of our first holiday together, had to say yes really or the holiday could have become very awkward.
In a hotel in London......she knelt down on one knee and said "Would you marry me.......please?"
16th November 2 years ago, my mums 60th birthday! I had spent 2 days helping them move and with my mum for her birthday and my OH came and picked me up in the evening. Got home and was all cuddled up and about to get ready for bed and he said he had hated being away from me and never wanted to be again and got down on one knee! Phoned my mum to tell her the next morning and she cried and said it was the best birthday present she could ever have wished for!
What was really lovely was the next weekend they were having a birthday party and house warming party, and when we got over there they had all engagement balloons up as well and half way through my mum did a speech kinda thing to us and made a toast to us with all my family and friends and his kids there :-) so it was a proper joint party!

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