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Why are Believers so interested in sin?

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beso | 12:50 Mon 11th Jun 2012 | Religion & Spirituality
9 Answers
They claim to have averted their problems with sin because they follow a prescribed regimen. They say they will have nothing to do with sin yet seem to be obsessed by it.

It isn't like they are experts either. The clergy are disturbed by what consenting adults in private yet can't seem to grasp the gravity of the paedophilia carried among them.

One case currently in the courts in Australia the church assigned one paedophile priest to mentor another priest who had been the subject of complaints of inappropriate behaviour with children.

They just don't seem to get it.


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When you say 'believers', do you mean Christians? I'm just curious as to whether this question includes anyone who believes in any kind of deity - Christian, Pagan, Hindu, whatever.
forbidden fruit has so much more appeal...
Prurience, plain & simple.
The Abrahamic religions are not just interested in it - they're obsessed by it.
As far as paedophillia in the Catholic church goes, that is a matter of attitude and emotional imaturity.

Priests and nuns are eternal adolescents. they never grow up emotionally because they live such a strange and cossetted life. Priests are treated as one step down from God, and every whim is tended to, an approach which leads a lot of them to believe they can behave exactly as they wish - because laregely, they can, given that the Catholic church notriously protects its own, regardelss of how abhorently they have behaved.

Sin and guilt are the cornerstones of the Catholic faith - it presents a rich pasture for the perverse to grow and indulge themselves - knowing that they can be absolved by confession. I am unable to reconcile the notion of moral counselling from a man who lives under the umbrella of such a corrrupt and immoral organisation - and that applies to all priests, however good or bad they may be.
Islam is obsessed with sex/gender, it rules their lives and regrettably their deaths.
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//Sin and guilt are the cornerstones of the Catholic faith //

As with many other brands.

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