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Worst Comedian Ever

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Duncer | 22:17 Sun 24th Jun 2012 | ChatterBank
109 Answers
I've just had to watch John Bishop on the telly, mainly because I'm so fundamentally lazy that I haven't reached for the remote control to change channels after the England game, but that's not the point. I want to know if there has ever been a worse comedian than this buffooon? To put things in perspective, I have had diseases that are funnier.

Also up there in the unfunny stakes....

Michael McIntyre
Alan Carr
Dara O'Brien


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As this thread demonstrates, humour is entirely subjective, and if something does not amuse you, then that is a split you are unlikely to overcome.

However, it is possible to acknowledge that your personal animosity does not detract from the talent being presented - simply that it fails to amuse you personally.

I think your listed comedians are...
08:54 Mon 25th Jun 2012
Each to their own, Duncer - I like Bishop (watching him now). McIntyre and O'Briain, but I can't stand

Alan Carr
Russell Brand
Frankie Boyle
I disagree, I love Michael McIntyre.
Well, each to his own!
don't like him . his accent is far too overpowering
snap, boxtops!
never could get into Stan Boardman. Jimmy Tarbuck was a bit wearing unless in small doses.
We love Michael McIntyre and Tim Vine but can't stand Alan Carr, Russell Brand, Frankie Boyle.
You've just named the four most popular comedians on television at the moment. Maybe it's a problem you have??
Exactly as Boxy. I find people who say Dara OBriain is unfunny worrying.
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It gets worse - Eammon Holmes doing "Blockbuster"!!!!!!!!!

I agree with the dreadfulness of Russell Bland, but I don't really consider him a comedian. Frankie Boyle fell into his own trap years ago insofar as, when you shock, you have to go a stage further each time, and then you reach a point where you are unacceptable. He is a vile creature who became unacceptable a long time ago.
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Being popular on telly is no defence for awfulness folks.

I have no problem, other than the fantastic comedians stuck in the club circuit who never get an even break. Dara is smugness personified.
Hear hear
I do miss Bill Hicks..
And that Norton guy is like a virus.
Just flick through the channels till you get to 'Banged Up Abroad' - you'll soon see the funny side of Johnny Bishop !
Dara is far from smug. Funny and very, very clever but I do understand that he can make some folk uncomfortable because of that.
Lenny Henry just isn't funny
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Live acts I have thoroughly enjoyed recently, and I know it is all subject ot personal taste folks, are Emo Phillips, Tom Stade and Ed Byrne.

I still have Bishop on the telly and I'm starting to think that suppurating piles would be more amusing.
I don't find John Bishop remotely funny.

I like Dara...but that might have been from yonks ago when he was only doing standup.

I think Frankie Boyle is hilarious.

Jimmy Carr is also very funny.
we'll agree to differ, then, B00!
No, by far the worst is 'Lee Evans'
I Like Michael Macintire & Jimmy Carr.


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