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Do you still have the same chance of winning?

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wendilla | 10:41 Tue 24th Jul 2012 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
Do you still have the same chance of winning by doing these competions on TV free on line against people that pay up to £1 50 to enter? Why pay when you can do it free.


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Apparently yes. Not everybody has access to a 'puter.
I would think so. They are regulated so wouldn't be able to offer free entry on line if it wasn't fair.
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That is true Boo but just wondered if you still had the same chance of winning.
some people who have company paid mobiles think they can use them to enter the comps for free.....

i've wondered about registering online and wether anyone wins this way
I think someone from here said they did.

I won't name them as I don't want them to receive begging letters.

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Do you still have the same chance of winning?

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