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New Olympic Event - Dodging the Cultists?

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LazyGun | 15:56 Tue 24th Jul 2012 | Religion & Spirituality
11 Answers
So, according to a leaked memo, Scientology are planning to do some extensive promotion and free (?) giveaways of L Ron Hubbards "Way to Happiness".

You have to admire their ambition - target is to hand out 2 million copies. You also have to admire their opportunism - claiming that handing out vast quantities of this text at the South African World Cup was responsible for that event being proclaimed as "the least violent ever". If it had anything to do with their text, it was the lassitude induced by attempting to read it :)

Sounds like entering and exiting the venue will be something of an obstacle course- gold medal to the person dodging the greatest number of cultists? :)



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Is there a health & safety issue here? Wouldn't 2000000 books cluttering the streets around the olympic area present a hazard?
Question Author
Never thought of that - Damages your brain as well as littering the street! Definitely H$S issues, i would think....
are they an official "Olympic Partner"?

if not, why are they being allowed to get away with this level of advertising?
I want one.
How many trees is that?
Who cares? I need to study it. :o)

And before Beso jumps on me (metaphorically speaking), I am joking about the trees - but not about the hand-outs.
I want two (one for my imaginary friend).
You also have to admire their opportunism - claiming that handing out vast quantities of this text at the South African World Cup was responsible for that event being proclaimed as "the least violent ever"

Maybe they should do the same at the next Millwall game or in Belfast on July 12th.
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Ha ha! Thanks Birdie. I would rather like to see the official version though. ;o)
SB, it is amazing that the first ever South African based world cup was the 'least violent ever', it must have taken some doing!

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New Olympic Event - Dodging the Cultists?

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