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unfortunate or careless

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lady-janine | 04:07 Fri 03rd Aug 2012 | ChatterBank
41 Answers
what have you peeps done that wiould come under this heading?

yesterday afternoon i tripped, fell and was in agony and am now in plaster from shoulder to knuckles. hurts despite the pain killers.

silly me.


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oh no!

that is awful .. i'm very sorry for you .. have you broken something?
ooh LJ xxx you poor thing. I hope you'll be getting pampered.
Speedy recovery xxxxx {hugs} but just a gentle one.
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yes. i had hoped it was bad bruising but knew from pain it was more. i feel badly onto a concrete floor and smashed the elbow area. two hosps later and i'm moving carefully.

two hosps + travel time meant i was out of viewing from mid-afternoon until about midnight and not really in the mood to check anything. but as i said thank you. i believe you have lots of requests now.
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thanks alba. hugs appreciated.
such lousy timing -- and rotten luck for you.

please heal quickly, and know that we are all here to help you through the ordeal and offer comfort.
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thanks excel. your kind thoughts are much appreciated.
jan you have my sympathy. Such things can, and do, happen to anyone at any time. It's painful I know, but it will get better, rest it as much as you can. xxx

monday morning for your pic.
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thanks excel. much appreciated.xx
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bit of a proplem not being able to drive. and work.
Poor you, what a dreadful thing to happen. Sometimes the smallest of little accidents can have dreadful results. A couple of years ago now, I was getting into our car, and tripped over one of the kerbstones that edge our front lawn. Pretty painful, but I thought it would ease off. Went to work, then my shoe started getting really tight, hobbled off to A&E, next thing I knew I was getting a diagnosis of a broken ankle. So that was my life scuppered for the best part of 8 weeks. Off work for 12!

Hope you get better soon, lady-janine - but make sure you take care of everything and do everything you're told by the medics. You must also make sure you do the physio stuff - it's very important for a full recovery.
Get well soon, Chox.
Aw lady-j - sympathies - I won't hug in case it hurts :-)

OH fell on the ice and snapped his kneecap - that was six months ago, the GP is only just now prescribing him cautiously fit.

My accident tend not to involve me (fingers crossed) but my attachments - I fell in the street a while back, and smashed the lens in my rather expensive specs... if I stumble or trip it's specs/teeth/face that I worry about damaging!
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thanks chox.

hosp wouldn't say how long it would take but ominously the doc on duty got the orthopaedic surgeon to have a geek. have been very lucky as not broken anything before.
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oh boxtops what a shame. were you able to claim on insurance?
For the specs - not at the time, but I could now if I did it again!
Ouch! You have my sympathies, especially not being able to drive. A few years ago I broke my foot just stepping off a doorstep and not being able to drive was the worst part, once the pain had settled of course!
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no boxy it's not worth it.

thanks sheena. rural areas really leave you stranded on these occasions don't they.
oh poor you! i broke my wrist last november (first bone ever) and was surprised at how much it hurt and how clunky and useless plasters are. i do feel for you and you must take it easy - if the painkillers aren't enough, go and see your gp today as an emergency appointment. take care x
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thanks lgc. he will think i'm an emmet. haven't seen him for about 10 years. he'll propably ask me how long i'm on holday for.
poor LJ and for your next trick ???????
hope it stops hurting soon, how awful for you left or right arm ? hope you soon get to the "itchy" stage, how long did they say before you get the plaster off six weeks ? hope you have lots of help around the house and you wont be able to cook etc will you ?get well soon

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