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kloofnek | 07:44 Wed 08th Aug 2012 | ChatterBank
43 Answers
Is it true that the majority of men get grumpy with old age??


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No, Bah! Humbug!.
I wouldn't know as I'm only 77 years
what about grumpy old women ? I am getting more like a female Victor Meldrew every day, incompetence and stupid people [ and call centres] really get up my nose.
It's best to just ignore them

(glad I'm not on my own chi-chi)
Unfortunately yes. It seems to happen to all of us, especially me as an example of grumpy old women. Mind you, it can happen at any age - I'm not casting aspersions, but you know who you are!!
I don't think I'm getting less tolerant, other people are getting more intolerant but for some strange reason I tend to get the blame. :o)
I don't know but I know I am, but there again when I see what we have to put up with then that is near inevitable. One would have to have some sort of mental quirk to stay cheerful as all is going to ruin. If it isn't employers it's local government, if it isn't local government it's parliament, if it isn't parliament it's commercial concerns, if it's not commercial concerns it's the poor behaviour of the public these days, and it it's not any of that it's the way as one gets older everything appears to go out of its way to go wrong in the most annoying and/or embarrassing way. If it isn't the majority of men who get grumpy it should be. So are the women enduring the same or are they exempt ?
I'm old, male and not grumpy......what a stupid question.
Oh Gawd, not another one denying it. :-(
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Gosh...never expected so many answers so quick...
I have found since I have got older ,I am more tolerant...anything for a quiet life...that`s not to say I don`t "flip" from time to time.

But my old man is ..impossibly grumpy...and everyone is saying that this is "normal"...hence my question.
Dee..we don't mention that!! lol
I'm the grumpy one in our house..........sometimes.
My OH is very rarely grumpy but then again, he has a lovely life, living with me. He's got absolutely nothing to be grumpy about.
Tilly..I got rather grumpy by bin bag 3 yesterday !!!lol
You'll feel better when they've gone, murraymints.
I'm 78 and not noticed any difference from when I was grumpy young bu66er..heh heh!
Yes, and women too. OH and I have a therapeutic daily grouch about inconsiderate parking, the stupid trousers that young guys wear these days, the poor quality of digital tv, current pop music, people that don't pick up their dog's poo, Cameron, Milliband, American foreign policy, the way Burton's Wagon Wheels are so much smaller than they used to be...... So much to moan about - we love it!

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