I've just discovered the joys of dying clothing. On purpose.
Bought a multipack of about a million white babygrows for #2. Decided that the white was a bit boring so bought a dye called Flamingo Pink. Also had to buy a ton of salt - not something I have in the house usually.
A couple of hours, and what felt like a strange chemistry experiment later, I have the funkiest babygrows ever. May need to get #2 sunglasses though.
Fantastic stuff. Now scouring the house for other things to dye.
whilst living in Dubai I found a shop [ quite difficult in the old days before it was "discovered" by the masses] that sold very light control knickers in flesh colour but they faded being hung out in all that sun, shop couldnt get any more so I decided to die them in a colour called tea rose, all went fine but the cotton gusset turned dark brown and everytime I went to the loo I thought I had poo'd myself- had to sling them out.