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Corrie actress

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rugeleyboy | 19:57 Sun 02nd Sep 2012 | Film, Media & TV
30 Answers
Hi all,

Years ago there was a blonde actress who was in corrie, I think she worked in betterbuy?

It was the same era as des Barnes and curly watts I think?

It wasn't raquel nor that girl from the sainsbury advert? She looks in my honest opinion as the girl who's playing Mrs Biggs in that new show?

In fact I thought it was her until my misses disagreed?


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damm it that wasnt the one I was thinking of so now I need to know who she was
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Ooh don't make me think anymore than I have to!! This one hurt my brain!
You need to it is all your fault!! lol . wasnt that programme where she was a prostitute about the suffolk murders?
4get see dr pop's answer at 21:21 - is that the one ?
nope sorry that Jamie winston and Sarah Lancashire
chaptaz thanks yes that was the one :-)
Was it Five Daughters?
yes it was called that but she wasnt in it
Oke doke ....

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Corrie actress

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