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Louis Theroux Meets Jimmy Savile

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EvianBaby | 13:20 Wed 03rd Oct 2012 | Film, Media & TV
20 Answers
Does anyone know where I can watch this online?


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I believe it is on "underground" TV, Evian......

says he, coffin'....
Question Author
Sorry DT, not a clue what you mean?
(where Jimmy Savile is)
Question Author
Oh right, any real places I cant watch it that don't involve my own death?
I tried to find it EB but no luck. I didn't try very hard mind.
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Not familiar with that site Shoota, is it safe and do I have to pay to download?
Sorry EB just dragged it off Google - I have no personal experience of it.
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Ah, think I found it on Youtube if anyone else is interested.

Thanks shoots, I'm watching it so I hope it's OK. Oh dear, too late now if it's not.
If anyone is interested on ITV 1 tonight a docu on JS & his sexual appetite.

Well I watched and whether I would have felt differently if I had seen it at the time i don't know. But watching it today I just thought what a controlling big-headed manipulative clever dick he was. Big big opinion of himself, telling Louis how to do his job and loving the sound of his own voice. He thought he was getting the better of Louis but Louis, as he usually does, let him hang himself. So to put it mildly I don't think he came over well at all.
He was awful.

I did wonder about his hairline fracture. He took it in his stride....but it's bloody painful.
He took it in his stride

LOL Ummmm.
I remember watching it when it was first shown and didn't think he was a very nice man then. I don't know what it was, but just thought there was something not quite right about him.
He had all that money and lived in such a run down flat?

(although the view was quite nice)
We saw three of this properties JJ, a flat (council) in Leeds, a flat in Scarborough which he had bought for 'The Duchess', his mother, who he had lived with when he wasn't travelling, plus a caravan in Scarborough as he didn't like to bring lady friends back to their flat as it was disrespectful (he said) plus a place in Scotland. Don't know if he had anymore anywhere else.
I wouldn't but lots of properties.

If I had money like that, I'd live in hotels just SO much.
MMmm - everything on tap. Great.

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