Certainly am Peri!We always tape the episode on sky 1,so we can watch it straight through without the dreaded advert breaks!Delighted to see President Palmer is back now to help Jack!
The vice president is a real pain in the neck. The only person I dont want to see back is Kim. She really annoyed me and I was always waiting for her to be killed off.
I love 24, but missed the first several episodes of Season 4. Rather than try to catch up, I decided to avoid the whole series and either wait for it to be repeated, or get it on DVD. It's all 24 episodes or nothing for me.
It's the only thing on TV worth watching at the moment ! Incidentally, the first series is being repeated on BBC1 on Fridays at 11.30pm. The first 2 episodes were on back to back Friday just gone. Great for me, as i only latched on to the show during the second series !