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Flavia & Louis - Wow

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TOWIE | 11:18 Sun 21st Oct 2012 | Film, Media & TV
9 Answers
I thought they danced great last night to the song from Dirty Dancing.

Not sure why the old misery, Len only gave them a 6 when all the other judges gave them an 8.

I do think there is a lot of tactical voting goes on.


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I was fuming when Len only gave them six (what on earth was the matter with him?), it was the best dance of the night and Louis danced it brilliantly. The crowd were going wild. In my opinion, they should have got nines !
I could watch Flavia all day long........sigh
Something or someone upset Len when they were giving their comments on the dance so he reacted by giving them a low score. He does this a lot if he gets upset.
Whilst they danced a great dance it was not original but a total copy of dirty dancing whilst the other dancers had original dances with the recognised steps in it.

Len also said there was not enough of the dance they were supposed be doing in it
Still the best dance of the night .....

Len can be a grumpy old sod, as he proved last night.
So will Flavia be having another affair then? They do go well together ....
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Smurfy - well I would, wouldn't you, he is well fit {:o)
I thought Len, for once, got it wrong.
He most definitely did and he also had a pop at Bruce for talking to the dancers when it was his turn to judge. Maybe he's the one who needs to retire ?!

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Flavia & Louis - Wow

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