What is the name of a cartoon shown in the early 90's that had several characters getting into a gold plane/ship thing shaped like an eagle - something to do with a golden city or something?
yep, great. Only not verypolitically correct. It did sort of brush over the whole genocide thing that was going on at the time. Still, it was a kids show.
aaaah the theme tune. 'Children of the sun.... la la la la orsomething'. There was also the inevitable comedy version sung in the playground which was kinda rude. I would make it late 80's though myself - around the same time as Around the World in 80 days with Willy Fogg (the lion?!?).
It was with Willy Fogg - that was the animal based cartoon version. Phileas Fogg was the original book version... !
I think the cartoon was called Cities of Gold and was based in the Amazon.