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Celebrity Big Brother

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Ann | 22:21 Thu 03rd Jan 2013 | Film, Media & TV
43 Answers
Have seen 15 mins and on verge of switching off, anyone else watching? Who is this bloke from X factor? O dearie me!


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As we're both females, I think it's not likely, Ann! :P

PAMERLA??? For Funks Sake how old do I come across? Lol I'm 35, brunette and I look nothing like pam, I do wish I had Mick on my arm though! ;)
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Gosh, sorry I never looked at your profiles! (blush)
V&C!!! :-(((

I am SO disappointed.

Lol sorry to disappoint! ;) x
are any of them worthy of being called celebrities?
Haha. Well you have disappointed! :P

Apparently Rylan is a really nice person however, with his way o.t.t. chavvie accent, I wouldn't last 5 minutes with him, he would just get a slap.
Rylan a celebrity?

None of them are celebrities really. They like to think they are though which is what makes it so funny!
Rylan to win!! :))
Didn't say celebrity Sir.prize, although I think he will get TV work, presenting etc. just needs a slap!
I would like Rylan or Claire to win :)
I wasn't having a go Mass1961 - I see the programme title includes the word celebrity . . .

Rather misleading eh?
No offence taken sir.prize. I fully agree he is not a celebrity.
The words from a song spring to mind. "Can't sing, can't dance, what do you do?"

Still needs a slap!!

What evveerr!
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Just watched the video Bluestone posted - good grief!!!
Ann - Lol.

Did you love it? I did! :)) x
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Love it???? Never heard such a racket in me whole life!! ;)
Lol Ann.

I think you're kidding yourself... :P

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