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mccfluff | 21:29 Wed 09th Jan 2013 | Film, Media & TV
16 Answers
ok im a blubbering wreck - started with the shoebills, now the baby ellie

anyone else?


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Oh no! i've recorded it - not sure i have the guts to watch it now! love the programme though - fantastic last week! will just have to turn away at the nasty bits and wait for hubby to tell me its safe to look......
All they had to do was ship in a few gallons of water and the calf would have lived on. "We dare not intervene because we want to be the first film crew to captcha the moment of death"
Don't tell me the result ....I have recorded it!
//"We dare not intervene because we want to be the first film crew to captcha the moment of death"// they said that if they had intervened it would have risked breaking the bond and even threatened the survival of the mother herself....I don't think that it was a cynical exploitation along the lines that you imply, adrianben
brilliant photography though......
oh rats, it hasn't recorded. Never mind, it's on again at the weekend.
and I would think i-playervery shortly, jno
I only get iPlayer on my smallish PC screen, the TV screen is much bigger, DT. Though perhaps if it is to be heartbreaking, smaller is better.
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sorry. i didnt realise some of you maybe recording.
it does get better ..... promise. as hard as it is i dint think the crews should intervene

as ever the photography was incredible
great programme, who could front this apart from the wonderful David Attenborough, the part with the baby elephant was very sad, but the herd recovered quickly.
the cameraman explained how it could well have affected the mother of the baby elephant, she may not have left and could well have died, mother nature at it's worse, and best when you see the extraordinary relationships between these magnificent creatures.
If anyone turned over to the news, a family of elephants had been slaughtered by poachers for their ivory, so it's man who they have more to fear from, than mother nature.
vile trade
i missed most of the programme, but i did see the stunning pictures of the perlicans. fabulous.
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its on again, sunday afternoon anne
thanks fluff, ill watch it ( will i need tissues ) ?
made me cry when littlle shoebill went to his mother and she ignored him and like you seeing baby ellie finished me off

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