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Rylan Wins

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sir.prize | 23:21 Fri 25th Jan 2013 | Film, Media & TV
48 Answers
and immediately starts crying . . . . . .

Is he really a man or . . . .


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Ok, for those who are UNAWARE who Rylan is, I'll try to sum him up in as few words as possible: Overemotional, egotistical, attention seeking, switch-hitting attention seeking drama queen. AKA idiot.
23:47 Fri 25th Jan 2013
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Total car crash tv.
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Rylan just got what he always wanted - a kiss on the lips from Dowling.

Ok, for those who are UNAWARE who Rylan is, I'll try to sum him up in as few words as possible: Overemotional, egotistical, attention seeking, switch-hitting attention seeking drama queen. AKA idiot.
Oh, and attention seeking. May have forgotten that bit!
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10 out of 10 for that, AlwaysConfused
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thank you, that came from the heart :D
Classic Rylan ;)
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Well - we know who will be all over our telly screens now don't we?
Who is Rylan and what has he won ?
You're not ginger are you?

Who cares!

You care you fekin numpty For Funks Sake ....that's why he dyes it black ...............
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Dyes his hair, his beard, botox the lips, fake tan all over. And he says: ''I ain't a fake.''

For those who didn't watch the X-Factor, this is how he used to look. :)
You're just pissed off you wasted 33 quid voting for speidi, sir p ...... .......let it drop now.
Well I didn't see x factor but I must say he looks tons better with long blond hair ..........
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M-T - aren't you pissed off your Union Flag is wrong?
not in the slightest (just like the rings) .......I was hoping AOG would be the first to comment.
You really got into BB, Sirp....

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