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Prof Brian Cox On Now.

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vakayu | 22:13 Sun 27th Jan 2013 | Film, Media & TV
130 Answers
Tall,dark,handsome with intellect and humour,he seems to have it all.


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Just like me But I am not dark, handsome, have any intellect and a lousy sense of humour. Sounds like I should be working for ITV documentaries. Nice to see this programme - combine this with the fabulous Kangaroo Dundee last night, wow - some decent programmes. If you didn't see this, get on the i-player! And there's another episode next Sat evening.....
22:22 Sun 27th Jan 2013
I will shoot you in the foot for saying that! :-)
How can you not love Alan. He is just so humerous.
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That's a bit drastic boxtops,he's not that bad.
Humour is very personal - I can't abide the man. Each to their own :-)
Brian Cox definitely isn't gay - he talked about his family the other day in an interview. Why does any attractive man get talked about like this - its a bit unfair to him and his family.
I'm sure he won't ever read this thread, Anne

Even if he does .....the Snags brilliant SOH will mean he will laugh at it.
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Well said micktalbot.
He did. he at yours?
LOL, I thought he would!
-- answer removed --
Brian cox married a french woman with a little girl.
I'd date him for his brain - but I don't think he's at all good looking.
Thank god i'm not the only one who thinks that naomi! I find his enormous teeth and constant drooling grin really unattractive.
i would date him but he is a bit too young, seems a lovely bloke, very good presenter,
just don't don't let him near dara o'brien, who talks over everyone and thinks he is oh so funny, not.
I have watched most of the programmes he has done, and never thought he was talking down to you, but was clear and very knowledgeable. The new programme was fascinating, look forward to the rest.
Have him washed and brought to my tent immediately
Daffy, I agree. It would be a handshake at the end of the evening, that's for sure. ;o)

Em, I too like the easy way he has in bringing science to all. And I agree about Dara. He irritates me when he talks over people.
Soon as he's had a coffee MrsO.. x
He can make coffee as well? Things can only get better lol xx
i missed the stargazing programmes because i can't stand Dara, at least not in this programme.
And a mean back rub. ;-)

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