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Disabled Parking.

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TWR | 18:23 Mon 08th Apr 2013 | ChatterBank
55 Answers
There seems to be issues throughout the country with Disabled parking area's, taken up by the Lazy Basds that do not like to walk far, I am taking about those that has no disability at all, in the likes of Supermarkets I would have thought it would be in the interest of the likes of Asda etc,position CCTVs & fine these sods, would it work?


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Private car park operators cannot fine anyone. Fines may only be issued by statutory authorities, ie councils, police.
oh don't worry, this government are kicking thousands off DSA so there will be less spaces needed
How do you know they don't have disabilities?
it is a very good idea, TWR

it could be a source of extra revenue for them
If parking on private land (eg. supermarkets) the landowner would have to go the Civil Prosecution route. This could turn out very expensive and not worth the effort.
Far more effective would be if the genuine blue badge holders blocked the miss-users in the parking spaces with their cars and went off to do their shopping.
They seem to catch a fair few people missing them round the city centre, including people who earn a significant salary.

I went to Morrisons yesterday and couldn't see one Blue Badge as I passed the pretty full disabled parking bays.
I have a blue card for parking, but do not get anything else. Some people get mobility allowance, with a car or allowance for transport as well as disability allowance. There are some people who need this but there are a lot more who get it and don't need it. I cannot walk far without help and so for my transport (usually my daughter) to be able to park nearer wherever we are going is a big help. But we have to show the card in the window and if there is no card then it is logical to assume the person in the car is not disabled. I do not know how you could get them to observe the parking restrictions though. Difficult.
Eve not all people that need disabled bays have blue badges.

If they are disabled enough to need to use disabled bays they should apply for a blue badge. If genuine they would get one with no bother.
No, I know. I've been there with the non-visible disability and people's general ignorance even with a visible one. It seems to me that there is a general lack of conscience about parking in disabled bays (and towards the disabled generally) round here.
is it actually illegal to park in a supermarket disabled bay?
or are those markings more of a polite notice to let people know that these spaces are needed more by others - like the notices on buses...?

they provide those spaces as a facility, not as a legal obligation surely?

i doubt very much whether they'd be bothered going through all that legal stuff for people who use them and shouldn't.
they would have to pay extra staff to go through the footage and assess every driver, contact the driver, find out if they have a reason to park there, get the proof etc, and then if not go through legal proceedings etc.

supermarkets are a business, basically a big shop - whats in it for them to do this?

i know some places hire firms to issue tickets etc - but not sure what they get out of it, and also they are not fines, they are 'invoices' - supermarkets have no legal powers to dish out fines.
Graham, I have a disability but because I can walk on most days more than the minimum amount I am unable to get one, but on bad days I need to use a stick and have difficulty walking.

My doctor has even appealed on my behalf but no joy!
I absolutely agree, but you can't always see someone's disability.
There is the same problem with parent and child parking, my daughter has young twins and 2 other children and the extra room in These spaces makes it so much easier to get them out the car. The amount of people that use these spaces that don't have young children is unbelievable. Just because they don't want to walk further. Makes me very annoyed.
Argh, this really annoys me and I've commented on this topic many times. People will always abuse these spaces and it is down to pure laziness!

sir.prize is correct with regards to the fines so therefore, people know they can get away with it in supermarket carparks. One of the big problems with Morrisons is that they tend to have their cash point situated right next to the disabled bays, so people tend to park/stop in the spaces.

We've left notes on people's cars before :)
friedgreentomato, do you not see a Consultant who could support your application for a blue badge?
fairycakes - there is a solution to the parent and child space dilemma - put them further away from the front of the shop (right at the other side of the car park). Then there will be the extra space available but they wont be so tempting to others because they are further away
No misscomando, my condition is managed by a specialist nurse and my GP, it does not bother me not having a blue badge as it is only occassionaly I would make use of it.

My point was that not everyone that uses those spaces has a badge but may be justified in using them.

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