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Georgiesmum | 21:19 Mon 08th Apr 2013 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
Sorry to appear thick, but could someone please tell me what happened in the closing few minutes of Broadchurch tonight, because to be honest i couldnt really see what was going on, also i am registered blind and i only have a little sight left.x


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Bald fella who works for the dad pinched Pauline Quirkes dog, the last we saw of him he was aiming a crossbow at the poor thing.

Someone reported activity in the house where they think Danny was killed, David Tennant and the woman copper went up there, someone was there but they legged it and got away, David Tennant collapsed on the floor with pain.

It ended then.
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Thank ypu Rockyracoon.I could see someone was on the floor at the end but i couldnt recognise who it was.
Im starting to think it will be a real relief to find out who the killer was now, wont you?
Yes it will, I'm getting bored with it all now!
two episodes to go, i confess that i am finding it laborious.

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