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Isn't It A Disappointment

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gness | 21:42 Sun 28th Apr 2013 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
When you are waiting for one of your favourite songs from one of your favourite shows and Petula flipping Clark comes on and murders it. :-(


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I hate it when that happens.
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I heard that. Fancy having a song murdered by a geriatric!
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An elderly lady who murders songs from shows, Headwreck. x
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gness I thought you were too young to listen to radio 2.
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One of the funnier stunts that GN has pulled:
Oh no! My Dad likes Petula flipping Clark! :((

What was the song?
why do people crucify "I will always love you" a la whitney, and not stick to dolly parton's version?
I like Petula..................
^^oops sorry, thought this was about the oliviers

I do too crafty, she had a great voice, operative being "had"
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I have never liked her and my closest male friend is a friend of hers...jeez do I have to bite my tongue...she annoys me....and as for Blood Brothers!
Too young Cupid? Blimey.....not as old as song killer lady...but getting there!
The song is With One Look and should be sung by Glenn Close. Anyone else trying to sing it should be sentenced to one of my meals.....x
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Tis the Oliviers, Sloopy.....x
or gardening on the Lizard...
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i thought she was dead,
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Headwreck...I love you! Perfect....just how it should be sung and with a voice.....Pet made it sound twee and funny.....Oh must stop going on about it...bloody woman....
No Anne...but her voice certainly is....bloody woman....

But thank you Headwreck.xxxx
^ so neither of them were in mama mia then?

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