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Ken Barlow

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Anto7 | 22:14 Mon 10th Jun 2013 | Film, Media & TV
28 Answers
How do you think they will they explain his absence on the street?

Has he got any living relieves he could be looking after?


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I thought that. It will have to be a prolonged trip somewhere...difficult one!
unless they write him out altogether...
They might do Em especially with his age interesting to know.
If the show's producers had shown a bit of foresight would any explaination be necessary?
The could have recorded him saying: 'I'm just popping down to Rita's for 10 Woodbine and my copy of The Guardian. Won't be long.' Then no further mention would be made of him until the availability of the actor who plays the character becomes clearer.
Him and Kevin are off to the scrappy to look for a starter motor for his classic car rebuild.
A quest if ever there was one.
He's where he always is when he's not at home or in the Rovers - he's in the library to get a bit of peace and quiet.
I'm not saying he is guilty of any wrongdoing, but how would script writers deal with any actor that was convicted of such a crime and (hopefully) locked up?

Would they just kill them off off-screen?
Not necessarily. The character is not the actor, after all. The character could do a flit
hc, I suppose a flit would be better than having an on screen funeral and grieving, even appreciating that the actor and character are two different "people".

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triggs, I thought that, but would they replace a long standing actor? Would the viewers accept a new face for well kent characters?

Must be a nightmare for the scriptwriters (not that I'm underestimating the sufferings of those involved with the case itself).
I've noticed a lot of infilling lately, presumably where they've had to redo scenes or scrap scenes altogether that Kevin and Ken were in.

Sally getting drunk at the bar and being rude to everyone, apropos of nothing; Deirdre and Eileen drowning their sorrows; strange headwear where people have had their hair cut between the original filming and the infill.

All in all, they are doing a good job in a scriptwriter and director crisis.
I asked this previously and apparently he has gone to Oz to visit his brother David (Irma having died!) but surely Dreary would mention him occasionally.

Nerw programme coming up "Coronation Court"
The chap who played Frank Foster was found not guilty yesterday.
^^David Barlow died in a car crash in 1970!
I don't watch it often, hc, but I did notice the drinking scenes with Deirdre and Eileen and thought there were a bit out of place.

i thought it was irma that died not david.
ok i've looked him up and david did die but irma didn't, but there no reason ken would go visiting irma maybe he's gone to see one of his stray grandchildren, maybe that evil grandson has kidnapped him
I am starting to wonder what was in Betty's hotpots....
they could do a child-abuse story and take him out that way - deliciously ironic that would be if he is found guilty..........

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