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Urgh Been Woke Up Already!!

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tinkerbell23 | 07:45 Sat 06th Jul 2013 | ChatterBank
25 Answers
Banging drums!!

10000 people decending on my wee town for a march.

Roads closed

People cant get to work

Bride told to walk

Banned from your own veranda in certain areas...

But the council have no money & have cancelled a day which taxi drivers take local disabled kids out for the day!

Have money for this though.

Im a bit peed off & on for a wee moan!!


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Hey, someone we haven't seen for a wee while.......never mind the griping, how are your doing tinks?
Question Author
Im good! I wanted a lie in ive been off since Sun and done LOTS of DIY

And how are you!? X
fine here, very busy and hardly on after the "Good Morning" session, sometimes Sat night with nungate's MoFC.
Question Author
I just run out of time now!

Really wanted a lie in today been hearing drums since 0730 the place is in lockdown its terrible x
Welcome back Tinks.
Where abouts do you live?

Is this the Piper Alpha thing tinks?
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No baldric unfortunately its an orange walk.

Im in scotland x
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Going to be LOTS of trouble today :/
That's a hassle for you, tinks; surely not all day......keep out of it!
Question Author
Alot of people have went away for the day! Wish i had now actually...its ALL day! Theres no escaping it i really really hate it!!

Most big roads are shut. Awful truley awful xx

Ah!, now I understand the bit about verandas/balconies.
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Yes not to go out on them!! Their own property. Madness x
they've been doing orange walks for years haven't they tinks? I remember the tv news used to show them back in the 70s. Do they not normally have them in your town? Never seen one here at all.
Question Author
Oh yes they have them & they are VERY much unwanted.

The marchers enjoy it all the more in my area because its SO unwanted, honestly they do!

Its terrible. I absolutley hate it- just causes trouble!!

Hi Tinks, good to see you xxx, yes the marching season is upon us, luckily our area is quiet
''they'' been out here since 7am,
hi there tinks. nice to see you are still with us. thought you had deserted in favour of work and le grand passion - lurve.
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;0> hello LJ! I try to pop by once in a while even if its to moan haha x
how are things going on those two counts? well i hope. when they work life is good.
i've got to go now biggish party coming off next moth and i'm trying to make this tip i call home look a bit tidy. lots of extra people be staying for 4 days so it means all rooms especially as some have not been before.

take care. see you soon.xx

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