Not that I keep up with this but was it not all settled the first time it was shown? Or did they really just leave it unanswered; in which case how do you know he survived ?
I have no idea how he did it, I did have a couple of theories at the time but re watching it they seemed impossible. I can't wait to find out though, when is it on? We know he survived Old Geezer because we saw him watching Watson at the end of the episode.
I am surprised at the fuss made over sherlock's 'death' anyone who has read the books knows he survives.
Anyway there was a building between him and watson, he falls onto a lorry filled with bags, watson never gets to check the body so at that point he is still alive and the people around him are stooges to help cover up.
Now you've worried me. I haven't read the book but I know how he survives.
Has it already been screened a long time ago? I am sure I've seen it or am I gifted with second sight?
think it has been roughly explained, though the third series won't be out for a time, i did read, though no idea if it's true that Sherlock doesn't appear that much in the third series, strange if so...
I thought that Moriarty fell wearing the Sherlock mask that he had used before, then Sherlock jumped into the bin truck.....and somehow swicthed bodies to lie on the pavement.... Watson didn't see both bodies fall because he was distracted by the cyclist who bumped into him.
Thats my take anyway, and I'm happy to wait to be proved wrong.
It has "something" to do with his network of homeless people to which he referred earlier in that programme and Amy. Whilst it had to fool Watson, it also had to fool the contract killers - and I am not sure where they were positioned. The rest, who knows. I must say he is by far one of the most attractive Sherlocks.
I ask, prompted by a spoof 'Fantasy TV' entry in next week's RadioTimes; 'Sherlock:How is he even alive? - Tess Daly and Brian Cox present this 90 minute investigation into the possible explanations for Sherlock's survival after his fatal fall at the end of the last series. James May performs a number of experiments with a mannequin that looks like Benedict Cumberbatch.'
My personal theory is that as there was I recall a skip standing in the street below, he fell into that, and it was full of a soft viscous substance, possible treacle.
sherlock got his pathology friend, the one who is in love with him to make an identical body/face, which is the one that was found on the ground, he meanwhile fell into a bin/truck, Watson did see his friend and believed him dead, he isn't as we know, i am not convinced Moriarty is dead either...
Maybe not emmie, but he does actually die in the Reichenbach falls doesn't he so if they remain true to ACD books then he will have but possibly for tv entertainment he might turn up again just like Ernie, the Family Guy chicken.
In the books, Sherlock did not really have any arch-villains other than Moriarty. If they wish to keep the franchise alive, I would have expected them to come up with some sort of ingenious solution that leaves Moriarty alive.
And I agree with Em - it has something to do with the friend who works at the hospital, making up a fake corpse or something.