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Should The Panels Of Bbc's Question Time Be More Balanced?

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anotheoldgit | 12:49 Fri 08th Nov 2013 | Film, Media & TV
16 Answers
On last night's question time, UKIP leader Nigel Farage was unfairly placed on the panel, why wasn't there also at least one more panellist who could have supported what Nigel had to say regarding the problem of open borders?



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Yeah like Hitler or Goebels maybe ?
Why should you have people supporting each other ?

You have a rep from the main parties and an AN Other - whatever their views are , is just that
Out dated formula scrap it ,another lot think they own the BBC the dimbleys
Had to laugh at Anna Soubry trying to ingratiate herself with the audience by calling Mr Farage a liar. Then when Mr Dimbleby? asked her about the Korean ships she was disputing, she had to admit she didn't know. Worringly, she's in the defence dept.
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/// Why should you have people supporting each other ? ///

/// You have a rep from the main parties and an AN Other - whatever their views are , is just that ///

Because that "AN OTHER" is bound to be cried down if that person opposes the nice 'cozy' three party establishment that our politicians have enjoyed for years in this country, and anyone who tries to rock their boat must be muffled at all costs.
I wouldn't class Nigel Farage as an AN Other
I agree to a certain extent aog but, some of his answers were agreed by the audience, who at most times are a two faced lot.

To give you an example!
I have noticed over the years watching QT, that when a panelist gives an answer or makes a statement to a Q, that the audience agree with, they applause wholeheartedly.

Then when another member on the panel reply's, and disagrees with what he/she says, the audience applause again. Hypocrites!!!!!
##Then when Mr Dimbleby? asked her about the Korean ships she was disputing, she had to admit she didn't know. Worringly, she's in the defence dept.##

Yes Svejk, it makes you wonder where they get these people from!
Question Author

/// I wouldn't class Nigel Farage as an AN Other ///

Isn't that just what you did?

/// You have a rep from the main parties and an AN Other - whatever their views are , is just that ///
Question Author

Yes I have also noticed your observations on the audience.

I have also noticed the inclusion of a 'rent an activist' among the audience, such as that rather large woman who was given more than her fair amount of time to attack Nigel Farage.
/// I wouldn't class Nigel Farage as an AN Other ///

Isn't that just what you did? ///

Wasn't Bazile referring to the seat occupied last night by Vicky Pryce?

Otherwise AOG which party do you think she officially represents?
No - Farage is the leader of a political party ( though you could argue , i accept - not a ' major ' party )

The AN Other , in my post would be , for example Benjamin Zephaniah , on last night's show .
Quite right baz - I'd forgotten he was on too

I only watched the last 10 minutes

I thought Farage was doing fine and was receiving warm approval from the audience for his views

I think aog is over sensitive to ukip's minority status and looks for every opportunity to see it as an underdog

The audience last night seemed pretty representative to me - therefore there are (based on ukip electoral support) bound to be a small number of supporters, a small number of antis and a floating middle ground

aog might like a Rent-a-YesMan panellist to back up Nigel Farage, but he is more than capable of representing himself

His problem is I think that his party has few others (if any) of the same calibre
Yes Zeuhl , i agree Farage can take care of himself - he reminds me of Alex Salmond , in that respect
Because only UKiP of the major paries have this policy.

The panel was quite well balanced. Farage and a Tory on the right wing. A Labour on the left, Pryce (who may be a LibDem?) And Benjamin Zephaniah as possibly a meutral.

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Should The Panels Of Bbc's Question Time Be More Balanced?

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