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What A Hunt!

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Just-Jude | 20:35 Wed 20th Nov 2013 | ChatterBank
24 Answers
Another American moron let loose with a gun! What sort of sicko enjoys killing a magnificent animal like that? Hope she suffers the same fate from some of the nutters back in her own country!


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Why run the story ,she s got he day in the sun .The readers can do nothing about it now so why distress them with this story.
I'm not going to click on the link because I know it will upset me.
She's all over FB at the moment, you should see her 'trophy' room. Sickening!
Can't even type what i think of that!
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Weecalf, I think everyone should know about her and what she's done, she might visit the UK one day. I hope the ALF have her card marked!
I saw those pictures elsewhere earlier in the week.

'Unedifying' does not express my feelings adequately.
"Beautiful male lion"?...not anymore-its dead.
She's the antithesis of what a wildlife presenter should be. She's not exactly a conservationist,is she?
How could she ???? Just look at that beautiful creature. Where's the 'sport', the poor animals don't have guns. Hateful witch !!
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I guess the mindset that goes with hunting and shooting an animal encourages the hunter to boast about what they have done.

This woman has done no favours for her career, or the perception of the audiences for her shows if she does present wildlife television.

Perhaps this will be the end of her presenting career, which could be seen as a level of revenge for the adnimals she has slaughtered.
But surely triggs a 'managed reserve' where you go solely to shoot magnificent beasts is sick in the extreme ??
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^ Oh well, that's alright then...
anyone who wants to go out and kill for the pleasure of it is sick, for food you can make an argument for it, but just for the pleasure???
The authorities in certain African countries licence the shooting of big game as
(A) A culling measure, and (B) a source of revenue to offset the cost of game reserve rangers etc.
It's not only the feelings about the magnificent animals she has taken pleasure in's the thought of living on the same planet as a person who gets such pleasure from killing animals for the thrill...
Old news, this has been all over Facebook for over a week.
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saw this in the paper the other day and apart from rushing to the little room to vomit what i would have liked to do to her afterwards would have not bothered my conscience on tiny bit.

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