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Do You Repeat Words In A Conversation?

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CokeTulip | 19:03 Fri 20th Dec 2013 | ChatterBank
26 Answers
Do you thinks its bad and would you say anything if someone else was doing it?

For example..
amazing,whatever, cool, you know, basically, absolutely, totally, ummm (I do this) but thinking time!, innit....etc.. (me thinks its hard to stop it),


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ummmm is all right (in so many ways), it is as you say thinking time. So are a lot of your other words, though; they give you a second to get your thoughts togethere before talking - always a good thing.
Awww thanks :-)
yeah, ummm's all right....

I'm not quite sure what you mean about repeating the words - if I said them several times in a sentence then it'd be wrong. I don't say some of the words in your list, and a lot of people use words wrongly, but I wouldn't comment about it.

My MIL says 'and that' at the end of most sentences. Like 'I've been down to visit aunt Peggy [pause] and that'
Arsen Wenger is always saying urm this urm that, he gets on my nerves!

What annoys me most coke, is people, celebs especially footballers when they are being interviewed always keep saying. '' I mean '' before answering the question!
You forgot 'awesome'
One that bugs me is "literally" - I was literally freezing - no, you weren't, you'd be dead.
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box... yes
I've come across somone who uses basically and absolutely every few mins..I think its nerves but not sure. I have noticed some people seem to have a favourite word though that you hear more than others and some people are very tight in how they say things and dont talk as much as others.

Then I have a business contact and every sentence starts with.. my wife!
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trt - yea footballers!
Some interviewers comment at the end of interviews -doing counts of the said word..."you know what I mean"

I don't use a lot of those, but I'm sure i use words fairly repeatedly- speech patterns are a habit. What i find annoying is when other people repeat my last words or try to speak along with them. My son's teacher does that and i find it really off-putting.

I actually think most people use the same kind of speech? Maybe we should have a username-free day here and see if you can work out who is who!
## Then I have a business contact and every sentence starts with.. my wife! ##

Probably a nagging wife coke!

I don't, but what really irks me are people who keep saying "you know" again and again, Beckham is a prime example if you took all the you knows out of his interviews he'd have nothing to say!
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trt - it gets abit much - its the way he says it My WIFE (heavy emphasis on wife) - he says he doesn't understand her.

I think her name is Julie or Julia but he never uses her name. Married 30 yrs and and always some problem or other..she messed up the accounts, she crashed the 4x4 again etc. I think he might be afraid of her.
...or he doesn't have a life outside of what she does....
## Maybe we should have a username-free day here and see if you can work out who is who! ##

That would be fun pixie!
I think so!
I think I'd only recognise sqad, when he prescribes ibuprofen. But might be surprising:-)
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Pixie - that would be challenging experiment (I'll stock up on headache pills).
I dislike people using the word 'obviously'. Its often used out of context & its not always obvious at all.
agree, millie - there was someone on the TV today saying "obviously, I've got one child" - I couldn't see it, not obvious at all.
why would you say anything about it?
what would you say? tell them to stop?
how do you think they'd respond if you did?

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Do You Repeat Words In A Conversation?

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