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Mm Links Results February 2014 Week 1

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gen2 | 19:19 Sun 02nd Feb 2014 | Quizzes & Puzzles
16 Answers

This month we have a brand new setter who calls herself 'The Cat's Mother' (but we know her as boxtops).
So, as an unknown quantity, players were unsure how to approach the challenge. The suspension is over as I can now reveal that the chosen links were:


My immediate surprise is that not a single player suggested visiting a NIGHT CLUB! Does that mean that we are all now 'of a certain generation'?

Before going further, I must welcome two new players to the game: roopower and scorpiojo. Hope you enjoy the experience and we'll see you again next week.

Now I have an apology. I have been unavoidably delayed this evening so this post is rather later than usual. There will also be a further brief delay before the scores follow.
See you all shortly.


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Omg! I might have got a point!
Moi aussi!!
Ahem. I meant thanks gen2 and boxy x
I think I might as well, pixie
Thanks Gen2 and Cat's Mother (Boxy)
Question Author

BigMac kicked off with a CLUB SANDWICH and along with rockfordill and beejay1124 collected 2 club points.

Middlestump, rockfordill & seekeerz then followed up with 2 points for a LIFE GUARD.

There was then a long pause before the others were discovered.

At 11:17, new player roopower became the only player to suggest SEA SCOUT for a well earned 2 points to launch his MM Links Experience.

Psybbo then collected the final link of ROYAL NAVY at 1:15pm (2 points).

As you will no doubt have noted, Rockfordill was a double-hitter on full bonuses so:

***** HOTSHOT FOR *****
***** THIS WEEK IS *****
***** ROCKFORDILL *****

Thereafter it was occasional single points for a handful of players apart from another double-hitter Psybbo (2 points).

In summary, this week's scorers were:

4 rockfordill
3 middlestump
3 Psybbo
3 seekeerz
2 beejay1124
2 BigMac
2 roopower
1 CHRIS-Hewat
1 eccles
1 elliemay1
1 jobjockey
1 kawakiri
1 Onty (Mrs O)
1 pixie373
1 twix123
1 ulysses100
1 x-ray

A good start to the month from 'The Cat's Mother' - but will it continue?

Find out next weekend.
Same time (9am)
Same place (Q&P)
Happy Linking

Thank you The Cats' Mother and Gen2. Look forward to next week.
Great fun, thanks - and two points at my first attempt, probably my last points too. Thanks to my dad who ran a sea scout troupe. By the way, I'm not a fella, gen2!
Woohoo! 3 for you, psybbs! Xx
That was a surprise, pixie xx
Thank you She and gen2. I'm feeling cat's-motherish too at the moment - have to take one of my twins to the vet for a tooth extraction tomorrow.
Thanks gen2 and boxtops.
I just made it on the list of scorers with a single point.
No night club for me gen2 - I had home guard which was nearer to my generation
Wow! Two more points than I got in KM and MM games together last month. The trend is with me (cough).
Thanks gen2 and boxie.
Question Author
Sorry roopower, I didn't notice your pouch.
LOL from me, too!

Well done, points scorers!
I'm afraid my pouch has been unused for many years now - it's probably closed up!

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Mm Links Results February 2014 Week 1

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