Whilst holding no particular brief for the Catholic Church I found the Fry lecture shows how it is now the atheists rather than the theists who talk with missionary fervour and a passionate desire to covert their audiences - what an extraordinary result! Out of 678 supporters of R.C. 410 'converted',
and from such simple rhetoric too, who were these people I wonder?
What a woolly argument for a complete dismissal of the entire Catholic Church, the main plank of it being condoms, - on which R.C. is certainly wrong - but if they changed their view (which they are sure to) and got rid of the child-molesters (which they are doing) would ever thing be OK?
As regards the R.C.'s hierarchy being 'obsessed with sex', what nonsense, though he got a good laugh - but don't forget he's a pro. - to then give the , equally untrue analogy of 'only the anorexic and obese are obsessed with food' (another laugh), watch food programmes on TV, if you will, and you wont see any of these types in evidence.
To attempt to ridicule people who prefer to lead their lives monastically, is none of his business, - perhaps a spell in a Trappist monastery would do him good, and give us a break from his verbal diarrhoea.