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Disgusting Corrie.

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thejudderman | 21:01 Wed 19th Mar 2014 | Film, Media & TV
119 Answers
Is it just me or is Corrie becoming more like a gay porn movie every week?
Its disgusting!! What ever happened to the watershed?


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It does smack just a little of "oh there's nothing wrong with that so long as I don't know about it". Which implies after all that people do find something wrong with this sort of relationship still, which is a shame. Let's hope that after a while such storylines become less noteworthy -- that it will just be seen as part and parcel of modern life, and nobody will care. In the meantime, showing such storylines and relationships is surely important for those gay people still in the closet and still facing uncertainty about how their family and friends will react.
Think I will back off now and maybe keep my opinions to myself in future, but I still say I am entitled to them.

Night all x
no need to keep your opinions to yourself, Ann. I don't agree with them but I don't want you silenced.
100% Ann - I say 100%
No, don't go silent Ann -- you are certainly entitled to your opinion, others are entitled to say that they disagree with it.
You may live to see it, Jim...sadly I don't think I will when people think "it" shouldn't be seen before the watershed.....x
Ann you are definitely entitled to your opinions as I am.
It's is the way the Todd/Marcus situation has been played out that is wrong. It felt very intimidating. It was stalking. The other gay characters in the soap do it so differently. They make it seem normal, as it is. don't want to express your opinions only if you are agreed with.
You and I are equally entitled to answer the op and each other as we see fit surely....would be a dull thread otherwise.....☺
Why do you find "gay porn" disgusting? You must be visiting the wrong sites!
LOL brokeback mountain is on channel 4
Good grief, even my six year olds know it's fine to marry someone/have a partner if the same sex. Who really gives a *** as long as people are happy?
Some still do Sherrard, never mind, time is a great healer ;-)
do I really want to see bed hopping by either straight or gays before the watershed ...NO and why the slurping snogging, it's enough to put you off drinking your tea out of the saucer.
...dah! ...just because you're not getting any!
Whole programme is going downhill at rate of knots,don't watch it anymore.
...its natures way of slowing down the birthrate...:-)
Kevin comes back and sees Tim and thinks he is a burglar and hits him and the down and out girl steals his bag! Nothing changes.
BOO! Spoilers are so wrong.
Get a life for heaven's sake, these things happen!
Why is it right for a straight girl to play a gay part yet guys have to be gay to play gay? They are only "actors"after all.

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