When I was younger I remember watching a film and I have absolutely no idea what its called. All I can remember was it started with 2 children playing outside and its was cold looking and raining (must have been england) so they went into a cave they found (for shelter I think) and in the cave they found a man trapped under a big piece of rock and he couldn't move it. He asked the children to remove the rock but they thought they'd be too weak but they managed to lift the rock as if it was very light. Turned out they had some kind of powers. The man (from what I remember) looked a bit like Jasper Carrot! Then they just have a little adventure through all the under ground caves and have to save someone or something like that! I know I didn't dream this. Does it ring any bells with anyone?
Oh my god! I think thats it (Into the Labrinth). I never knew it was Ron Moody though. I thought it was a film. I remember we had it on video but then oneday the video dissapeared!! Thanks to you both.